Association Member

The Mineral Point Market

Dates open:
5/3/2025 through 10/25/2025 Currently Closed
Days open: Saturday
Hours: 8:30-11am
Other Market Currency WIC/Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program Cash Credit Card Debit Card

The Mineral Point Market is more than the friendly atmosphere… although you won’t find a friendlier spot! It’s also more than the food… but you won’t find better food! We offer just-picked organic produce, berries, fruits, locally grown eggs, meats and cheese, a variety of foodstuffs — honeys, breads, syrups, and much more — along with a rich assortment of flowers, herbs, plants, soaps, candles, woven-ware, and arts and crafts sold by their creators. It’s a cornucopia, while you enjoy your coffee and pastry!